Sunday, January 08, 2006


How about a few words about me. Isn't that what this is all about?!

I was born a poor black child...down in Mississippi.

Um, wait, I think I got myself confused with a fictional character. Well, don't we all sometimes.

Let me try again.
I was born in a desert town called Be'er Sheva. Literally that means "Well Seven" or more correctly "Seven Wells" after the biblical seven wells Abraham dug when he first arrived, and was subsequently kicked off of by the locals. (Catch 22 reference: Heller used the same concept when kicking Chief White Halfcoat's family off their spot every time they settled to sink an oil well on the spot, until they just kept moving all the time, NEVER stopping to rest).
Anyway, this small-desert-town turned large-desert-university-town had little to offer other then that, so we moved north. Eventually settling somewhere called Petach-Tiqwa, but that's not relevant. By the time I was thirteen, my father was offered to relocate to the US to his company's US office, and we moved.
We came to FL, US for 2 years, and stayed for three, then another year, and then another, until we completed a stay of six years, which let me have the chance to attend Tulane University in New-Orleans, where our motto was "Grade Point Average of 0.01, Blood Alcohol Level of 4.0". Of course I'm not serious, that would kill me (if the alcohol didn't my parents would have). Besides, I'm an engineer, and I lived on an engineering floor dorm. If geek-ness induced collapse of space was possible, we could have been a black hole.
The punch line is, that I eventually had to go back to Israel to be drafted to the Army. I was sent to a base just outside Be'er Sheva, back to the middle of the desert again.
Can you imagine a bigger anti-climax than to spend one week partying on Bourbon Street, and the next eating the sandy winds of Shivta? Thinking back at it makes me shiver still.

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