Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Let's Eat!

It is said that all Jewish holidays may be described in the following manner: "Somebody wanted to kill us all, but we were saved at the last minute. Let's Eat!"
It's true, for the most part. No matter how asinine the reason is for a holiday, there is an ample amount of food, many items specific to that holiday, an no others.
Never is this truer that at Passover. The entire holiday (all seven days of it) is centered around the food. There are special foods that we eat only during this week. There is a special Kosher designation for Passover. Many of the every day food-stuffs that we eat, become contraband in Passover. You are not even supposed to have them in access. Whatever you don't throw away you must sell!
There is so much food-related fussing, that the real reason for the holiday is almost forgotten in the shuffle.
Passover celebrates freedom. In Hebrew we refer to it as the "Liberty Holiday". It is also the "Spring Holiday". There are many names to it, but aside from a few select moments in this long holiday, we never remember them. It's all about who is more "Kosher for Passover".
It's down to Kosher bathroom cleaning products!
Likely to lick a toilet bowl, are we?

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