Monday, April 17, 2006


Music is one of the greatest things in the world. I love music. I can listen to music, but most often I experience it. I can't tell you what's my favorite song or who is my favorite band, because there are thousands of songs that I love the most, and dozens of bands that whose music I like almost unconditionally (the definition of fanatic!).
As long as I can remember, I had a sound-track to my life. I would wake up in the morning with a song in my head. The song would change with my mood. Sometimes, a surprising song on the radio will alter my mood completely. Music was defined my current mood, and affected it in much the same way.
However, lately, I have been waking up with nothing. And walking through the day with nothing. Sometimes, a song will elevate my mood, but it's occurring in lessening frequency. It is the brightest and most shiny sign of my lack of inspiration. I get up, and I don't want to go to work. I feel bored. I go to write something, and nothing comes out, and instead I let my mind lock on something stupid on the television set.
I need a change to happen. Quickly. Get up and change myself, people keep telling me, but it's hard to do when you're mired in dullness, and you can't see what's your interest in getting up and doing something.
I need something to elate me again, because I'm just sad all the time. And angry. And, sometimes nothing. Just blank.

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