Sunday, April 02, 2006

Of course I'm wet again!

Yes, it is spring time, and yes, it rarely rains in the spring around here, but it sure as hell going to rain on me!
I hate the rain.
I don't really hate it, but I don't like it. Mainly it is because it is wet. Water on ground - good; water falling through air on head - bad.
I can be happy when it rains. Happy in a sort of appreciative, grateful sort of way, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
It all comes down to experiences. People who never leave the house, at least not be outside, can like the rain. They can stay indoors, and watch the magnificent flow outside. There are also people who take walks in the rain. They bundle up well, or poorly, depending on the effect they're after, and go for a walk. They can always return as soon as they feel the least bit uncomfortable.
My experiences include standing on a rooftop in a storm that lasted three days. This was back when I was in the Army. I was wearing five layers of winter gear, a flack-jacket, and combat gear, but after six hours straight in the pouring rain, even my underwear was wet.
Another experience is a Golden Retriever that doesn't care what's going on outside, when she needs to go She Needs To Go! (even her bark is capitalized at that point). I can't wait until a more convenient time, and I can't return whenever I want. She needs to go NOW and I have to stay outside until she concludes her business. Anybody who owns a dog knows that there is a very strict protocol for relieving oneself, and one does not "go" just anywhere.
That's what happened tonight. I was at my parents', and Sandy (our Golden) needed To Go. So I took her out, and got caught in a sudden downpour. I had no cloths to change into, and had to stay wet until I got back home.

So yey rain, and boo rain.
Give me the sunshine anytime! (those are some tough words coming from a red-headed-fair-skinned man who has been known to get sun-burns from neon!)

Spell-check Note: I wrote "ourside" when I meant "outside". Speller's suggestion: "Hurst". Go figure...

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