Friday, March 31, 2006

Short Day

So, this being a third rate excuse for second class country, you can never tell when daylight saving time starts and finishes. I know it seems absurd, but here in Israel, DST is a political issue, and is completely dependent on the coalition the current government has created. That's why your humble servant has to wake up one morning, and then be surprised as he reads the first news page of the day that tonight is the night. At 0200 it will be 0300. I was supposed to remember, every one told me that in the fall they said that "winter time" will last until March 31. Next year we're expecting different dates, by the way. We just had elections, and hopefully we'll have a new government in the next few weeks (these things take time, you know). This means that coalition-building negotiations will determine the length and width of our daylight saving time.

On lighter news:
Funny thing happened on the road tonight. It has been a very long day (going on shorter since the clock jumps ahead) and I turned my radio on loud and started singing (and banging my head a little bit) to the rock on the radio. I've mentioned before that I tend to sing at the top of my lungs along to a good song. Well, this singing (and severe head bobbing) caught the attention of the woman standing next to me at the gridlock. At first she seemed horrified, and as she realized I was happily singing she started laughing and gave me a thumb up!

Also, today:
I got my new scanner!
This is the reason why it is now 0132 at nigh....oh, shit, it's 0232 at night!...and I'm still up after such a long day. So far, I am ecstatic with it. It's great. So now, I'm pressing on. So many new applications, so many new modes.
Com'on! Just one more picture and I'm off to sleep...
Maybe a couple more...
We'll see...

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