Saturday, March 25, 2006

Acid Flashbacks

I am a very "multi-media" kind of person. By that I mean that images and sounds are what get burnt into my memory. I can remember a face, but a name is a near impossibility. The keys to many of my memories are particular music or views I had at the time.
I file away into the deep bowls of my memory tones of audio-visual experiences which usually accumulate dust. Then, all of a sudden, something would trigger an avalanche of memories and emotions.
I can't tell what exactly it was, but "Turn Around" popped into my head the other. "Turn Around" is a song from the 1992 "They Might Be Giants" album "Apollo 18." I'm not a big TMBG fan, but my roommate at University was. We must have heard this album a million times. Whether from the original cassette tape or the best-of compilation he made for himself. On that compilation tape he also had Monty Python stuff, which suddenly reminded me that I used to have a tape like that.
Anyway, the fallout of memories can rolling out, and again, I felt sad. Sad for all the time that went by. Sad for the people and tapes I've lost.
Sad for all the money I'll have to spend right now to retrieve all this music!
The music industry is going to make a killing from my nostalgia. Don't you hate that?

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