Thursday, March 16, 2006


So I finally got my car washed. Yey. It wasn't so much that it needed cleaning, it just that I could barely see out the window, not to mention through the side mirrors. It was probably not a great idea, because they say that this weekend is going to be a "dirty" weather. Dust from where-ever will fill the air, and then all of it will rest on my car. For good measure, the air will be humid enough and cool enough to drizzle just enough to create big ugly dust dots all over. The problem is that, however dirty the outside was, the inside was just disgusting. It was muddy in my car. Enough dirt to build a sand-castle, I swear.
Sometimes I think that somebody should pay me to get my car washed (at least refund the cost). It never fails to rain as soon as I get my car washed. Also when I have to go on reserve duty. In 10 years, it only not-rained once when I was called. Even during months when the chance of rain is low, I can guarantee 100% chance of rain while I'm in uniform. Lat year, in July, it did not, finally, rain.
But at least I got my car all nice and clean. It was a happy drive home with the smell of the cleaning and shining material in the air, and the clear, crisp view out the driver side mirror. I forgot that objects in the mirror appear!

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